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Thursday 30 August 2007

Revisiting...Part 2

After Lohgad, I really felt as if I needed to go to Visapur just to feel as if I was on a real trek. Compared to the popularity of Lohgad, the serenity of Visapur is a complete contrast even though the two forts are side by side. From the common col, we turned to the path to Visapur which is clearly marked. One has to go across the fort till one reaches a small shed from where the a couple of paths break out but lead to the same place. From this path the bifurcation for Visapur is a small path that is tricky to find at times which joins a nala after going through some dense shrubbery. Looking at the path, I guess there were not many takers for this fort. After a good short climb up the dry nala (there was no rain), we were up at the top where it was cool.

The peace and greenery and complete absence of plastic around was welcome. Visapur is a larger fort and one needs to give an hour or so to see it all. Some of the fortification is still intact and the views are great. No monsoon hike is really complete without mist and we were walking in the clouds in some time. We walked across the fort to reach the other end (not too long) where another path leads you towards Malavli. I had gone on this path after a very long time and it was a great experience. Steps lead you down towards a small sculpture and then down a stream. From here the route goes through thick bushes until you finally reach a lower plateau and then its clear. For those you want to escape the junta, Visapur is a good option climbed from this side. I met a group from Countryside (who do commercial hikes) who do Visapur this way. There is also an alternate route to Bhaja caves directly from Visapur which I will do another time.

The five-star hike experience ended at a private cottage with cold beer bottles to welcome us! From there it was to those chauffered cars, which was all and nice but next time I will take the laal dabba for sure!

-monsoon trekker