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Thursday 10 January 2013



The first weekend of 2013 and already out on a trek! A trek that almost did not happen as a group of seven whittled down to three! And what a shame those people did not make it because the weather was so good, the scenery was so spectacular and the area was so bereft of crowds.

Travelling to Ratangad is like going back in time; this is the third time I’ve done the trek and the markers and turns are almost etched in mind, despite the large gaps between the visits. Situated at the edge of the ghats, towering over Bhandardhara lake, Ratangad or ‘jewel among forts’ is a wonderful trek, albeit one that involves a long journey.

And we journeyed long, having reached late in the evening at Bhandardhara lake and missed the boat across to Ratanwadi. We had to drive in darkness on narrow roads and took shelter in the village of Udhavne (below Alang). At dawn the cold was crisp and deadly and getting out of sleeping bags was almost a torture. But we were again on the road and reached Ratanwadi, which has changed and boasts public toilets and a small parking lot now.

The trek then was the usual (to what I did back in 2008 and faithfully recorded on this blog). Arrows directed us through the dried stream beds, the forest and up the ladders (these too were new). At the top in the cave a village couple serves hot rustic meals on demand. While they were busy cooking for us, we took a tour of the fort. The views of Ajoba and neighbouring hills are awesome as always. Skirting tanks and old broken doorways, we made our way to the ‘nedhe’ or hole in the summit, where a wonderful wind blew and connected the two sides of the mountain. Looking back I’ll wonder how idyllic it all was, a Sunday away from the hectic city life.

But time ticks away and we had to be back to take in our lunch: hot bhakris, a delicious vegetable of potatoes and pulses and the pièce de resistance- a hot spicy ‘thecha’ of freshly ground chillies. After the lunch it was a quick descent because we had spent more time than expected wandering on the top. At four we touched base near the car and were ready to speed away back to home.

Surreal that moments ago we were on top of the world, in a hole in the mountain. A moment in time to remember and treasure for the three of us who happened to be fortunate there and then!

Pictures at: