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Thursday 1 August 2013

Yet again to Bhimashankar

Two weeks back I returned to Bhimashankar – crowds were expected as it was a Saturday. We, ourselves were a group of fifteen or so, hurtling towards Khandas (the base village) in an air-conditioned chartered bus! We planned only to climb and the bus would  pick us up at Bhimashankar top. We went by the Ganesh Ghat route which is long but easier. It did not rain for the first half but the weather was beautiful with mists swirling about us even at lower heights. Later it rained as we gained height. Long walks, watery paths, misty views, cascading waterfalls, grassy slopes, thick dark forests; we enjoyed it all. Beautiful as it all was, it was not a patch on my previous fantastic visit in 2010..(

Still, it was a Saturday well spent! Only the long way back from Bhimashankar to Bombay proved to be irritating – almost six hours in a bus after a long trek!
Bhimashankar in the rains